Sunday, April 17, 2011


Ode to Spring

Ere the summer sun doth glare
A golden hue doth light the air
To signal weather calm and fair
The boys are out to play.

Dave is light and country fair
Mark a man with dashing dare
Jentry long without a care
A handsome trio gay.

Now the sun descends its stair
Its warming rays no more to share
The sky, the moon is soon to tear
The curtains of this day.

Good night, Dave.
Good night, Mark.
Good night, Jentry.
Good night, Spring.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Asher brought caraway. Devi erstwhile found gold hidden in Jakarta. Korin left missing nine opals. Prestwich quietly refurbished seven trinkets. Uriel valued, weighed, examined yesterday's zen.